
5 10 2009

That was pretty much the theme of this past weekend. After working like crazy on a new client pitch all week, I left the agency Friday evening en route to Burger & Beer Joint (B&B for short) for some after work drinks and eats. The service was less than stellar, but we all got one drink in during happy hour at the bar part before heading to one of the picnic benches outside for dinner. There were six of us and I ordered a Portabello burger while everyone else decided to attempt to tackle the “Mother Burger.” This $75 monster is 10 pounds of beef alone, accompanied by 4 pounds of bun, all the fixins, and served with a hacksaw. It was ridiculous. Split between 5 people, there was still probably half of it left over. (They say if you can eat the whole thing, you get it for free, which apparently is a feat that the first guy who ever ordered it accomplished. No wonder America is the fattest nation ever.)

By the time Beth showed up, we were all ready to go. Tessa, Beth & I headed back to my apartment, and then we met Alice and went to her boyfriend, Chris’s place South of Fifth, aka SoFe. (South Beach is a big fan of abbreviations). Alice played bartender and we all played Mario Kart & Guitar Hero World Tour on the Wii. I think I might be able to tackle that orange button soon!

I hadn’t planned on stayng out so late since I had to get ready for my Veg-E-Q the next day, but I managed to set my alarm for 8:30. So I was super confused when I woke up at 10 the next morning until I figured out that I had accidentally set it for PM instead of AM. This is the one time I was thankful for “Miami time” because although I had the original start time at 11, no one really showed up until 1.

But wait, it just occured to me that you might not have ever heard of a Veg-E-Q. Well, that’s because I invented it. It’s basically a BBQ, but you substitute Veggie Burgers & Veggie Dogs instead of the traditional carnivorous fare. I borrowed a charcoal grill from a friend and after several futile attempts, the guys at the party showed me how to make the brickettes stay hot.  Other things on the menu were grilled corn on the cob, watermelon, several varieties of chips and dip, Tessa’s homemade guacamole and of course everyone’s alcohol of choice since it was BYOB. Festivities included flip cup on the balcony, Twister, the pool & hot tub, and after the girls raided my closet, we ended up at Purdy Lounge a few blocks away. I think it was pretty much a success, even though it took me at least two hours to clean up the next day.

I was supposed to see a limited screening Art & Copy at U Miami on Sunday, but got lost several times trying to find the theater and by the time I did, it was 15 minutes past the start time. In order to make myself feel like the trip wasn’t an entire failure, I bought some Lychee Bubble Tea and headed back to the apartment. I love driving with the music up, sunroof open and windows down!

PS, October is my absolute favorite month & I can’t wait for two things especially: those sugary pumpkins that are cousins of candy corn and Halloween Disney movies, my favorite of which is Hocus Pocus.

I Don’t Understand!

2 05 2009

Hey ya’ll! It’s the first day of May!
Anyways, I wanted to post a semi-rant of things I just don’t understand.

The first is this Dunkin Donuts commercial:

What? The only thing that TV and Donuts have in common is that they are both bad for you. At least with the tube you are just sitting idly not burning calories as opposed to consuming them (the worst kind, too) while eating doughnuts. Not to mention it’s one of the worst puns I’ve heard in a tagline in a while.

Youtube, you let me down! Nowhere on the site is there this commercial I was looking for, but luckily I found a link at Creativity Online. In the shorter version running on TV right now, she doesn’t cuss like someone with Tourrets Syndrome, but that doesn’t mean the ad makes any more sense. I’m pretty sure if you drive your car through the bathroom wall, you have bigger problems than mold and mildew.

However when I did search Youtube, I discovered that Disney pretty much claimed the page to announce the debut of their show starring the Jonas brothers. It’s called Jonas. It must have taken a whole team of imagineers to think that one up.

I don’t understand what could possibly be on the show that is worth watching. I much prefer the South Park Episode about the boys and their notorious rodent boss.

I guess I have to admit one of them is pretty cute. Is it possible to be a cougar at 24? LoL

So what did we learn today, kids? Eating doughnuts is way better for you than watching TV! Driving a car through your bathroom wall makes it sparkle! And Disney stars are everyday kids just like you, except they sing, dance, write & record music, act, are really really ridiculously good-looking and have millions of dollars to support themselves and their stage-parents.

PS, I may or maynot be a little buzzed off my blueberry beer right now.


31 10 2008

hey ya’ll! it my favorite holiday of the year! what’s more fun than dressing up and eating candy?!? i wanted to post some scenes from one of my favorite halloween movies (yes, it’s disney!)

as for my costume, i changed my mind a few times but tonight and tomorrow i am going as a famous female athlete, although she’s more famous for her exploits off the courts. i’ll try to post pictures.