Vegetarian Celebrity Stamp Series

5 12 2011

Happy Meatless Monday! What better way to celebrate than by checking out this new star-powered stamps series the PETA released earlier this month? Most of these faces were familiar, but who knew that Steve-O, Bob Barker, Leonardo Da Vinci, Pythagoras and Johnny Appleseed are/were fellow herbivores? Bob Barker and Pamela Anderson were at the official revealing in Hollywood earlier this month. (Read more on Joonbug.)

I’m about to head over to PETA’s website to order some since the stamps are only available during December.  I want to use some myself, as well as give a sheet to my dad for Christmas since he’s kind of a philatelist. (Not often I get to use those SAT words these days.)

PETA's limited edition stamp series

Music Mess

4 04 2009

My credit card hasn’t had a workout in a while, so I couldn’t resist when I had to head out to Dadeland Mall for a Genius Bar appointment. Most of the damage was done at Sephora, Abercrombie and Macy’s.

I got grabbed walking through the middle of Macy’s make-up land by the Benefit beauticians and got a “free” cosmetic consultation, or cosmetation (b/c I like to make up words). I really like some of the packaging design, each one is different and reflects the mood of the product. However, the “beauty book” publication they gave me was ironically ugly.

(This photoshop fairytale does not have a happy ending.)

Anyways, driving back to the beach I continued my quest for a decent radio station to listen to. About half of them aren’t in English, so those are out. A bunch are like R&B babymaking music, and that’s not happening in my car, literally or figuratively. So that leaves the 80’s and light rock stations, which I maybe like 1 out of every 7 songs played and the Pop Station which is the most decent of the ones I’ve discovered but still hit or miss.

Today was mostly misses. There are some songs that trigger my gag reflex and I have to switch the station hastily before I asphyxiate. So please remember never to play any of these in my presence.

“Strumming My Pain” by the Fugees. Bleh- starting to cough just typing it.
“Not Gonna write you a Love Song” by Sara Barealleslalasses
“Hey There Delilah” by the Plain White Tees
“Your Body is a Wonderland” by John Mayer. Actually, I hate anything by John Mayer. And anything that sounds like John Mayer. What a douche.
Anything by the Donnas. or that Michelle Branch chick. Not to be a traitor to my gender, but there are very few girls that can be legit rock stars.
“Sitting, Waiting, Wishing” by Jack Johnson. Keep it at the coffeehouse, buddy.
“These Words” and “Unwritten” by Natasha Bedingfield (Although she’s really pretty and I like her style)

Oh, and Britney Spears’ latest release “If You Seek Amy” is possibly one of the worst songs ever written/recorded. However, that did not keep me from downloading it anyways. If you’re in a musically masochistic mood, here’s a link to the video. How surprising, more “orgyography” (choreography that reminds me of a massive orgy).

Other than all that, I’m pretty eclectic. LoL.

Now it’s time to pop a few painkillers and hit the couch to tune in for a Tarheels victory!!!