Vegetarian Celebrity Stamp Series

5 12 2011

Happy Meatless Monday! What better way to celebrate than by checking out this new star-powered stamps series the PETA released earlier this month? Most of these faces were familiar, but who knew that Steve-O, Bob Barker, Leonardo Da Vinci, Pythagoras and Johnny Appleseed are/were fellow herbivores? Bob Barker and Pamela Anderson were at the official revealing in Hollywood earlier this month. (Read more on Joonbug.)

I’m about to head over to PETA’s website to order some since the stamps are only available during December.  I want to use some myself, as well as give a sheet to my dad for Christmas since he’s kind of a philatelist. (Not often I get to use those SAT words these days.)

PETA's limited edition stamp series

Personal Space

29 03 2009

Here’s some stuff that will make you feel like an insignificant speck in an infinite universe…

Found this via one of Anne’s twitter posts. Interactive Art Direction specialists at Hyper Island in collaboration with the Swedish Space Corporation is sending our messages to space! Hurry, tho. There’s only 8 more days til the launch!

I was a little surprised to see one of the first messages from a familiar name. 🙂

Yea, my message is a little cheese-tastic. But it’s true.

Gotta love those Swedes! It almost makes me want to drive up to Disney World in Orlando just to ride Space Mountain.

Next, I found this little social experiment called twistori. It’s inspired by We Feel Fine, which I’ve posted about before, but it anonymously aggregates peoples’ tweets in real time based on a couple of keywords.

It was created by Amy Hoy and Thomas Fuchs of Slash7, and you can even download it as a screensaver (for macs, anyways).


27 02 2009

This political campaign is for real, guys. Look out Chicago!

Glad to see he’s trying to appeal to the much neglected Mermaid and Vampire minorities.

This campaign is pretty schizo. You have the Batastic philosophy video, ridiculously random commercials, and some kind of patriotic/energy efficient lightbulb competing with the cliche, clipart-esque symbol of financial success for an identity.

I commend the effort to be different and it definitely gets my attention. I just don’t know if it would get my vote.

The 10,000 Hour Campaign

17 12 2008

I figured I would post my favorite print and TV ads we produced for our Gymboree project. The strategy is that it takes 10,000 hours to become a genius at something, whether it’s music, art, sports or computer programming. Gymboree helps kids start acquiring these hours early. Therefore, we shot 7 of the cutest kids in Colorado as younger versions of celebrity geniuses!

Props to Alex, Jeremy, Kristina and Michael!

cool agency in colorado

11 11 2008

i saw some cool commercials tonight when i was watching family guy on adult swim. just from watching the commercial, i had no idea what ‘own your c‘ was all about. i checked out the website, and it’s pretty cool. summed up in a single sentance:

The Colorado State Tobacco Education & Prevention Partnership in the Colorado Department of the Public Health and Environment (the Department), in conjunction with its contractor, Cactus Communications Inc. (CCI), is promoting an interactive website-based program aimed at the prevention and cessation of tobacco use by youth, named Own Your C (“OYC”).

it’s hard to top the truth campaign, but this one comes creatively close. cactus is also behind the ‘the cigarette is dead campaign.’ i could totally work for this agency. there share my loathing of tobacco.

the commercials i loved aren’t on youtube yet, but you can see them if you go to the website>>>menu>>>c-campaign>>>plugging in & refreshing.

here’s a cute one i did find on youtube: