Vegetarian Celebrity Stamp Series

5 12 2011

Happy Meatless Monday! What better way to celebrate than by checking out this new star-powered stamps series the PETA released earlier this month? Most of these faces were familiar, but who knew that Steve-O, Bob Barker, Leonardo Da Vinci, Pythagoras and Johnny Appleseed are/were fellow herbivores? Bob Barker and Pamela Anderson were at the official revealing in Hollywood earlier this month. (Read more on Joonbug.)

I’m about to head over to PETA’s website to order some since the stamps are only available during December.  I want to use some myself, as well as give a sheet to my dad for Christmas since he’s kind of a philatelist. (Not often I get to use those SAT words these days.)

PETA's limited edition stamp series


6 05 2009

So apparently Oprah is partnering with Colonel Sanders to give away free meals from KFC.

My bad. I guess they are KGC now. Besides the fact that I’m vegetarian, this is a bunch of Kentucky Fried Crap.

The food is still not that good for you and they have some of the worst factory farming practices in the industry. I won’t even eat the non-meat items at that place after visiting Kentucky Fried Cruelty.

Make your own KFC sign at

Not to mention this whole “Unthink” campaign is pretty much a rip-off of Saturn’s Rethink campaign.