Breaking the Cycle

14 06 2010


…is a website. Basically like Craig’s List, but there is absolutely no exchange of money. People just list things that they no longer have use for, and from there (in theory) it’s first come, first serve. It’s a bit of a mission to become a member; you have to go to their website, and then join the Yahoo Group for your geographic area, for which you need a Yahoo ID/email of you don’t already have one.

My friend Aron left me a couch and a floorlamp when he moved away from Miami last year, and they were basically FPO until I had the time and money to properly design and decorate my space. Since they were donated to me, I figured I would continue the cycle through this website. As long as someone had the means to come cart away the junk still perfectly functional furniture, they could have it.

Based on this inaugural experience, I’ve decided that the users are all crazy or lazy. The first dude that emailed me wanted only the floorlamp. I really preferred both pieces to be claimed together – but I didn’t specify that in my email headline and based on the several emails I was sent when I signed up (including this rather scary one: SAFETY…be appropriately aware of the potential risk of having “a stranger” come to your home to pick something up. Freecycle as an organization assumes no responsibility for this risk.), proper Freecycle etiquette dictates that the first person to email you gets dibs.

So I told this first dude A. that he could have the lamp. Then I didn’t hear from him for a couple days. So this other dude B. ended up emailing me and said he was interested in both the loveseat and the lamp. Instead of posting pics and a description like on Craig’s List, you post all necessary info in an email subject line, which is then sent to every member of your local group.  (Whether they want it or not. It’s becoming a bit like spam for me now since I was only planning on being a one-time Freecycler).

So then the A. guy did email me back and I ended up getting the two dudes confused when I arranged a pick up time with A. to come get the loveseat and lamp after work. He was like “Whoa, I only wanted the lamp…fit on my scooter…something something.” I told A. I was confused b/c there was another guy interested in the goods and that I hadn’t heard from him in a couple days so he could have the lamp. So this guy freaks out and accuses me of stringing him along for days for a [free, mind you] lamp and that he didn’t want it anymore because what I was doing was “shady” and “wrong.”

Overreact much? It’s a freaking free piece of furniture that I am trying to get rid of . I don’t care where it goes, as long as it’s out of my apartment; which is what I emailed to him in response. He proceeded to respond with a novel (which I only skimmed and deleted because I didn’t feel like wasting at least 15 minutes of my life) about morals…something, something…insert analogy of setting up a date with two guys on the same night…something, something. Wow. Glad this guy didn’t get anywhere near my apartment.

Which brings me back to B., whom I still haven’t heard from in at least a week (he must not have been impressed with the pics I sent him from my iPhone – Freecyclers can’t be choosers). So the beginning of last week, I get an enthusiastic email from M., who said she just moved into a small apartment and that the items would be perfect! I emailed her the pics and she said she would let me know by Sunday (yesterday) whether or not she would be able to come retrieve her new decor. Surprise, surprise, this chick seems to have fallen off the face of the Freecycle Earth too.

So boys and girls, today’s lesson is: when something is free, there is little to no motivation to follow-through, because you haven’t invested any money in the transaction. Three strikes, and I’m out. Whatever happened to Freecycle Etiquette Rule #16? “Be nice.” We’ve got a great little community here so when you arrange to pick up an item from another Freecycle Member, it is basic good manners to accommodate them as much as possible in terms of scheduling, and then be punctual; they are, after all, giving you something you need and asking nothing in return except that you will show up when you say you will. (Leaving someone hanging is never a nice thing.) Also, unless the giver tells you otherwise, assume that they would like you to come by as soon as you can to take away the item; no more than three days after the offer is made is usual. (Think of it as The Three-Day Rule.)

My last attempt at Furniture salvation is going to be calling the Salvation Army and/or Goodwill to see if they can come pick up the loveseat, and if not, it’s final resting place will be the dumpster. Freecycle FAIL.

(WEEK 22) Thin is the New Happy

I don’t know if all creative people, or maybe just high energy people in general, feel this way, but I always feel like there are never enough hours in the day. First, because I work so freaking much (good thing I love my job!). Then, I’m somewhat of a social butterfly and spend a lot of time training for triathlons and sleep is of course a huge priority of mine. So, that doesn’t leave much (if any) time leftover to read, do more artsy, craftsy stuff, write, blog, see movies, keep in touch with people, and all the other things I keep brewing in the back of my mind.

I have tons of books that I’ve started, but rarely finish them. Well, that streak changed this weekend. And the fact that I had hours upon hours to occupy in airports, planes and on tarmacs, is erroneous. This past Friday night in the recommended reading section at Target, I picked up a copy of Thin is the New Happy by Valerie Frankel. The description on the back was hilarious and the book was dedicated to “The last fifteen pounds. I don’t miss you bitches. Not one bit.” It is basically a memoir detailing her chunky chilhood and subsequently dealing with bad body image through a rocky on-and-off relationship with dieting.

I’m sure pretty much all women (myself included) can relate to trying to attain the photoshopped, airbrushed, edited, “perfect” body that we are bombarded with all over magazines and in movies and other miscellaneous media. (And for me personally, everyday on my walk to work; living in South Beach, a well-known model mecca and plastic surgery playground.) Just lose 10 more pounds. Just eat 300 less calories. It’s a funny, quick and interesting read and features a literary cameo by Stacy London, of TLC’s What Not To Wear. So to pique your interest here are some random parts of the book, in no particular order: diets, drugs, punk rock, promiscuity, epiphany, magazines, family, goals, dreams and an “iron-pumping granny.”

I’m gonna try to keep this reading (real printed words, not just from a computer screen, which I do plenty of already) thing going, because my brain has been starving for far too long.

Mad Men Mania

28 07 2009

Yay! I’m super excited for the next season of Mad Men to premiere on AMC on August 16! I discovered this nifty new avatar maker I love the retro feel, and the navigation is easy but I just wish they had spent a little more time on the illustration for the avatar parts themselves. Like for example, the noses all look really bad, so mine ended up noseless (a la Michael Jackson… Too Soon?) Of course I had to accessorize myself with a doughnut!

The clothes and the hairstyles are pretty sweet and I like the download options. Promotion for the network guys must be getting cheaper, and more creative thanks to the popularity of social networking.

Speaking of promotion, I also think it’s cool that the show partnered with Banana Republic.

The stores feature little guides that help you dress like your favorite character, and on the back of those guides, there are ticket codes that promise a slight chance of winning a walk-on role on the show and a $1,000 BR giftcard. How swell! 😉

A New Design Direction

12 07 2009

I had to get off the island today for a little bit to stock up on food and supplies. My preferred suppliers are Publix and Target. I’ve been a fan of Publix’s generic product design forever and apparently Target is too because they just relaunched their store brand as “Up & Up.” The packaging is so similar – simple, clean sans-serif and monochromatic with generous white space. I mean, these generic packages look better than the branded ones that they’re competing with. Better Design AND Better Price. Everyone wins! Yay!

It’s hard to find much about it yet since the brand literally launched last month, but according to Reuters, they have about 730 products available right now and will have close to 800 by the end of this year. And according to this press release,

“By re-launching Target brand as up & up, we’re able to create a unique identity for this powerful owned brand. The new packaging incorporates an element of design, giving us the opportunity to deliver on both the ‘expect more’ and ‘pay less’ sides of our brand promise.”

Target consistently reevaluates its owned brands to ensure they meet guest expectations. Before introducing up & up, Target reviewed more than 4,000 guest comments on the quality and performance of its store-brand products. This resulted in the reformulation or enhancement of more than 130 products in the line.

Like I said, the design is really similar to my favorite generic grocery brand, but unlike Publix, the Up & Up brand doesn’t have a website for fans of its packaging…yet.

(Even though it hasn’t been updated in almost two years, LoL. Guess they weren’t THAT big of fans.) Here’s a cute, more current website that encourages you to get into a “Green Routine.”

Miami Madness

6 06 2009

Let me clear up a few misconceptions you may have about living in Miami Beach, if you have never lived here before. At least during the summer, it is not the sunny, sandy paradise you see on the postcards and in movies. It’s very wet because A) the intense humidity that flattens or frizzifies your hair (depending on what kind you have) as soon as you step outside and B) the daily thunderstorms that always drop a few inches of rain and sometimes hail. Usually they do minor damage and blow over in about an hour. But yesterday I was convinced that we were in the middle of the first hurricane of the season.

Our new office on Lincoln Road is equipped with windows along every wall and is safe from flooding on 6th & 7th floors. It’s like I had box seats to witness the madness below. The thunder slightly shook the foundation and lightning streaked across the sky, sometimes striking the building that was under construction next to us. The power flickered a few times and the elevators were in and out of service. I thought the rain was just hitting the windows more heavily than normal, but raindrops don’t bounce. It was definitely hail – ranging from marble to golfball-sized. I wasn’t scared of the storm so much, having lived on Florida coasts for the better part of the last six years, but more scared for figuring out how I was going to swim home with my laptop. I took a few pictures with my iPhone from various views in the office.


The Aftermath:

The stores and restaurants across the street were definitely flooded and it was a little different to being seeing not boats, but cars, with trailing wakes. I found this great video on YouTube that will gives you a street-level perspective on the whole thing – if you didn’t see it on the news already.

I was still working on a pitch project til about 9 pm when Aron and Chris drove to pick me up because we were going to see Nicole’s hubby’s Improv show in Coconut Grove. Aron had to walk, or wade home from class earlier and said there were cars with water up past the windows and they even saw two guys in a kayak going up and down Alton Road.

Anyways, we got back to the beach between midnight and 1 AM and it was pretty much like driving through an obstacle course between the deceptively deep street-ponds and the abandoned cars throughout the street that had apparently stalled out earlier.

I was so excited when I woke up this morning and actually saw the sun. I put on the pink bikini and headed downstairs to the pool, only to see the clouds roll in out of nowhere about an hour later. I wanted to get some of my tan back and start reading Twilight. I consider it pretty much a hazing ritual to get into my team at work because they have all read it and I am being all but forced to do so as well. I tried to keep the cover hidden because I don’t want my rep getting tarnished. So far it’s an easy read but I’m definitely not swooning and I don’t think it’s better than Harry Potter. It’s so unrealistic, not because the guy is a vampire, but because he has this complicated emotional persona with pure intentions. Ha!

I definitely have no intentions of watching the movie and we’ll see how far I can get into it before I barf or get bored.

On a final note, I finally got version 3.0 of my website revised, up and running at I designed then coded the whole thing in Flash and Dreamweaver. I’m still working on getting my final book together, so don’t bother clicking on that link. I wanted it to have a simple, sketched look to it and be easy enough to quickly navigate and update. I mostly think of it as an aggregate for all my creative outlets. Oh, and hopefully it will help me get a job.

Ice Creamocracy

29 04 2009

Ben and Jerry’s has officially released their latest pun flavored promotion! Do The World A Flavor and come up with a new flavor of ice cream to add to their cold & creamy collection! Props to the cute Flash animation!

I created “Birthday Everyday” because I used every single cake or brownie related thing that they had. I mean you eat cake and ice cream every year anyways so why not just combine them? Yea I know Baskin Robbins has been doing it forever but this is in pint form. Just take off the top and stick in a few candles. Done!

I’ve had an unsatisfied craving for some B&J’s since Nick’s ice cream comedy on Monday…

Babies Are Back in Style

26 04 2009

For some reason, I’ve been finding a lot of cool baby stuff lately…

Ran across this super cool/cute website called Rattle and Roll. Who doesn’t want their kid to be a little rockstar?. They also dabble in graduation and birthday announcements.

And speaking of babies, I love this new Huggies commercial! It’s one of the first diaper commercials I’ve seen that (I’m pretty sure) targets guys and uses humor, rather than a bunch of babies crawling around or being coddled. According to Brandweek, it was done by JWT New York.

Geez! Another cool baby thing! Stumbled across this on the Lovely Package blog. Wry Baby decided you shouldn’t have to wait to find out what your kid is going to be when he/she grows up. For just $12.95 Mysterio will send you future-telling t-shirt.

Coffee Copy

22 04 2009

So having an internship is a lot alike and lot different from school at the same time. It’s the same in that I still have homework. Which I am hopefully finishing soon. It’s different in the fact that you have a ton more restrictions, i.e. clients, superiors, budgets, brand guidelines, etc. And the fact that I have to get up way earlier, commute, and am at an office all day… which reminds me that I still need to decorate my cubicle.

Anyways, I have a ton of stuff I’ve been meaning to post but haven’t had the time. I don’t even really have time now, but I don’t want to disappoint my fan(s?). Do I have more than one? LoL

Here are some cool long copy ads for the Ugly Mug Coffee Co. Cute Name, and I like the gritty, earthy design. Everything fits together like a puzzle. It’s like Starbucks for hippies and non-pretentious college students.

On the way back to the beach today, I was rocking out to this new song called Something in your Mouth. The lyrics are oh so suggestive yet hilarious and I thought it was Theory of a Deadman at first, but it turned out to be Nickelback. I hate to admit that I still kind of liked it. Ahh!

I also recently heard the Black Eyed Peas’ new track, Boom, Boom, Pow. A hybrid of hip hop and techno? I bet this song is super popular in Europe. “I’m so 3000 and 8, you’re so 2000 and late.” LMAO It makes me think of the matrix mixed with cirque du soleil on acid and appears to be an extended commercial for HP.

Vote for Earth!

27 03 2009

Ok I totally stole this from MM’s blog, but I think it’s important enough to repost. Earth Hour is a great concept, cause and I love the art direction!

It would be even more awesome if they could coordinate a massive game of manhunt since all the lights are supposed to be out…

Check out the website and see all the stuff you can do from 8:30-9:30 tomorrow night.

A Recent DisCovery

27 03 2009

Has anyone else seen the latest Cover Girl commercials on TV featuring Ellen DeGeneres?

I was all kinds of surprised. I mean, I know they’ve been branching out from the stereotypical supermodels that graced the ads when I read Seventeen magazine in high school by using Drew Barrymore and Queen Latifa recently. But they are actresses, not a far reach from models.

Ellen is in a whole nother league occupationally, generationally and sexual orientationally. (I may have made up that last word.) I do have to admit she is pretty and it’s cool to see someone outside the glamorous celeb-o-sphere endorsing beauty products. Also interesting is that CG is partnering with a semi-rival brand, Oil of Olay. (I say semi-rival because I feel like they only have products for my mom).

Methinks this Cover Girl campaign is at least a little bit influenced by the Dove Real Beauty revolution. After all, they’re only separated by an aisle or two at Target.

Sidenote: I’ve always wondered who wrote their ridiculous tagline: Easy, Breezy, Beautiful, Cover Girl. So basically if you wear the makeup you are promiscuous and an airhead, but hey, you’ll be pretty because that’s all that matters. lol.

Brand Gossip

15 01 2009

A couple days ago, two women from the New York Times presented the brief for our final project in the Account Planning Bootcamp class. They made an interesting point. In regards to your brand, people are either talking with you, or behind your back.

They mentioned this website called Brand Tags where you can see a little bit of both. You can also voice your own opinions on various brands. The bigger the word, the more people believe that about that brand. I just wish it was a little more colorful, but it’s cool nonetheless.

Here’s what people are saying about Apple:

Some of my campaigns would have been much easier from concept to compeltion had I known about this website sooner!