Babies Are Back in Style

26 04 2009

For some reason, I’ve been finding a lot of cool baby stuff lately…

Ran across this super cool/cute website called Rattle and Roll. Who doesn’t want their kid to be a little rockstar?. They also dabble in graduation and birthday announcements.

And speaking of babies, I love this new Huggies commercial! It’s one of the first diaper commercials I’ve seen that (I’m pretty sure) targets guys and uses humor, rather than a bunch of babies crawling around or being coddled. According to Brandweek, it was done by JWT New York.

Geez! Another cool baby thing! Stumbled across this on the Lovely Package blog. Wry Baby decided you shouldn’t have to wait to find out what your kid is going to be when he/she grows up. For just $12.95 Mysterio will send you future-telling t-shirt.